In the first semester of 2024, the Fundación Empresarios por la Educación, in partnership with the National Consulting Center and with the support of the Foundation, Botnar conducted the Youth Education Opinion Survey for individuals aged 12 to 28. The study, based on a quantitative instrument with more than 50 questions divided into eight key themes, examines the perceptions and experiences of young people regarding education in Colombia. The themes include: access and participation, learning assessment and educational quality, education financing, learning support systems, barriers to education access, transitions, learning environments, mental health and well-being, and career aspirations and expectations. Between February and March 2024, 3,820 surveys were conducted with young people across the country. The characteristics of this survey sample allow to obtain representative results at the national level Urban areas and rural, and the mens and womens at national level. Additionally, the survey is regionally representative for the regions defined by DANE (National Administrative Department of Statistics).Antioquia, Bogotá, Caribe, Central, Oriental, Orinoquia-Amazonia, Pacífica y Valle del Cauca), and for 12 municipalities (Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, Manizales, Cúcuta, Quibdó, Necoclí, Gigante, Villanueva y Tumaco). The national sampling error is 1.8%, and the sampling errors for subgroups do not exceed 9.6% in any case These are the Urban/Rural results.
File Type:
Access, Education Opinion Survey, Educational gaps, Educational Resources, Rural education, Support for the formulation of educational policy